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QRG Quantitative Portfolios. QRG Quantitative Portfolios (QPs) are a suite of asset class-specific investments that blend the benefits of “beta” investing with the portfolio customization of managed accounts. Four varieties of QPs aim to improve after-tax and risk-adjusted results—in a cost-effective manner.
Elevate the Beta Investing Experience: Take Investing Beyond BetaTM
QRG’s suite of QPs help address important investor needs that are often overlooked by “one-size-fits-all” passive investments.
Customizable Market Exposure
Exposure to Factors Historically Producing Excess Returns
The Pursuit of Tax Alpha
Alignment of Holdings with Investor Needs

Market Series Quantitative Portfolios

Market Series QPs feature low-cost access to important market segments coupled with opportunities for customization and tax management.

Factor-Enhanced Quantitative Portfolios

Factor-Enhanced QPs provide the potential for excess returns via increased exposure to prominent asset pricing factors such as value, momentum, quality, and low volatility factors.

Sustainable Quantitative Portfolios

Sustainable QPs explicitly focus on companies with high sustainability ratings and/or environmental, social, and governance priorities.

Fixed Income Quantitative Portfolios

Fixed Income QPs contain a subset of the constituents in the investment-grade bond universe and are constructed to provide consistent income generated from a diversified set of securities.


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