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Over 10 years of Direct Indexing Celebrating a track record of 10 years for the Quantitative Portfolios (QPs), QRG's suite of direct indexing portfolios.
QRG Capital Management, Inc. brings together cutting-edge technology, a rigorous and disciplined research process and a deep understanding of capital markets to provide investors with well-crafted solutions aligned with their objectives.
QRG brings together cutting-edge technology, a rigorous and disciplined research process and a deep understanding of capital markets to enhance an advisor’s practice in a number of ways:
Capital Management
Quantitative Portfolios combine the benefits of passive investing with the portfolio customization of managed accounts
Whether it be macro Capital Markets Assumptions or product-specific Q-Scores, the team’s analysis helps advisors make better-informed investment decisions
Thematic Research
By applying its research process to diverse data sets, QRG uncovers insights broadly across the wealth management industry

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